Bao is a Pixar animated short film directed by Domee Shi. The film tells a heartwarming and bittersweet story about a Chinese-Canadian mother who experiences “empty nest syndrome.” One day, she finds that a dumpling she’s made has magically come to life.
Delighted, she raises this adorable “dumpling boy” as her child, showering him with love and affection.
However, as the dumpling grows up, it begins to seek its independence, much to the mother’s dismay. The story captures the complexities of a parent’s love,
the struggles of letting go, and the poignancy of watching a child grow up and move away. The short is filled with beautiful, culturally rich details, using the dumpling as a metaphor for the bond between parent and child.
Bao is notable for being Pixar’s first short film directed by an Asian woman and for its touching portrayal of Chinese-Canadian culture.
Its clever storytelling and universal themes resonated with audiences worldwide, earning it the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 2019.