Poor girl

I don’t understand what goes on in the minds of some people. A humble young girl, just selling peanuts, was made the subject of mockery in a video created purely for product promotion.

I watched that video, and my heart broke instantly. That poor girl was humiliated—she was pushed, causing her peanuts to scatter all over the ground. Then, they blamed her for not being careful. To make things worse, they mockingly threw some money at her, as if that could compensate for the embarrassment and pain they caused. After that, they told her to leave, making it seem like it was her fault.

As she walked away, they called her back, laughing, and said they were just joking. They handed her some more money before walking off as if nothing had happened.

I could feel the ache in that girl’s heart. She must have been in so much pain, so much anger—used as nothing more than a prop for entertainment, all for the sake of selling a product. She was just an innocent young girl, using her free time to help her family by selling peanuts. But why? Why did these heartless people think it was okay to use her suffering as a joke?

Did they think that a few dollars would make it right? Did they believe she would be happy just because they threw money at her? Why couldn’t they put themselves in her shoes for a moment?

None of these people were born rich or privileged. Everyone has struggled at some point. So why, after achieving success and wealth, do they forget their own past hardships? Why do they now take pleasure in mocking those who struggle, as they once did?

If that girl were your own daughter or sister, would you be okay with someone treating her like that? Of course not! You would be furious, just as I am.

But these people, they have no heart. They laugh, they joke, they act like it’s all just harmless fun.

To the rich, a small amount of money is nothing—it’s pocket change. But to the poor, it is hard-earned, honest income. That girl never begged them for money. She was working with dignity, selling her peanuts to survive. She didn’t ask to be humiliated in exchange for their scraps.

They may think they are successful, living a happy life, but they forget one thing—karma exists. What goes around comes around. Life has its ups and downs. No matter how high you rise, never use your wealth to look down on the poor.

If anyone knows the girl’s identity, her address, or how to contact her family, please share it in the comments below.

Karma means actions—and every action has consequences. Those who do wrong will one day face the consequences of their own deeds.

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